Beating Anxiety; These Are The Tips To Transition To College Easily From High School

As far as life is concerned, change is an unavoidable constant. The reality is that no matter how awesome your time in High School may have been, College presents another opportunity to take “awesomeness” to a whole new level. There are prospects such as new friends, change of environment and new experiences waiting for you to simply explore. However, as awesome as the prospects may seem, there appears to be an aspect of it all that doesn’t seem to get as much mention as it should: the change from High School to college life.

One vital thing about change is the art of learning how to handle it. This is more so for people getting into college where a large number of changes are bound to occur per time. Some of these changes include having to learn how to be independent, going far away from home and a whole lot of others. Having established that handling change is not always easy, here are a few vital tips that should help you out in that regard.

Be a Lucky Humper!

Lucky Humpers – Get an inspiration!

Don’t lose your good mood. That’s the most important thing you can hear. Become a lucky humper and get an inspiration from… – a place where all young guys are living their dream thanks to… world’s most famous MILFs and their urge to mix experience with total youth and stamina. This is an exclusive fantasy series but a lot can be learned if you really focus on the message.

Accept The Reality

Change can be either good or bad depending on how you handle it and the transition from high school to college is certainly no exception. If you seek to have a positive experience, it is ideal that you comprehend the fact that college life is your new reality. Life as you knew it may seem far away, however, it is ideal you embrace what you see. A lot of new college entrants usually find it difficult to adapt owing to the fact that a large number of them tend to resist the change. The truth is that times may arise when the things that happen around us may not be within our ability to control, however, the way and manner we choose to respond to the things that occur to us are ours to choose.

Enjoy The Moments

As with every seeming profitable venture, our disposition per time usually goes a very long way in determining what comes out of the whole experience. There are lots of fun-filled moments you can look forward to and embrace when you get into college. For instance, you could join up with the athletics team, the debate society or some charitable cause. Whichever direction you choose to tow, simply have it at the back of your mind that making the moments count is what will eventually write your college story. It is, however, pertinent to note that not all moment is bound to be pleasant, hence you will need to enjoy the ones you can while also learning from the ones that may not be all too pleasant.

There are lots of fun-filled moments you can look forward to and embrace when you get into college

Don’t Be Scared Of Failure

Well, failure in this regard is not just limited to scoring “F”. The simple truth is that if you do the right thing per time, chances of ending up a failure are quite low. For some students, getting a B is seen as a failure. Whatever your standard of success may be, do not put too much pressure on yourself as this may be counter-productive. Simply enjoy the moments

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

One unique thing about the change in any system is that it is bound not to occur instantly. As a matter of fact, expecting things to occur instantly can be likened to living in a fool’s paradise. Genuine change is usually subject to time as it is a process. Having established that fact, it is advisable that you not get yourself worked up if you are struggling to meet up with certain things. This also applies to situations where it seems you are the only one lagging behind. The simple fact is that we all function at different velocities. Your primary focus should be on taking things day by day with a positive outlook on things.

Your primary focus should be on taking things day by day with a positive outlook on things

A Little Help Won’t Hurt

As far as transitioning into college life is concerned, there is always going to be someone out there who has successfully navigated through the waters of college life. Such people could be your family, friends, Advisor, your dorm RA. Also, a large number of universities and colleges make available services for counseling their students. If you, therefore, feel the need to express yourself to someone, you may opt to take advantage of these individuals. By talking to such individuals, you will have the unique opportunity to ask relevant questions, and advice. This should go a long way in making the transition process a lot easier as you get to feel less alone. In summary, communication is vital.

We all have diverse ways of handling challenges. While there are those who are wired to embrace the changes, there are also those who may struggle to find some footing in that regard. Whichever side of the divide you may find yourself, just have it at the back of your mind that it is alright. The whole idea is that you should not run away from it or attempt to prevent. Try as much as possible to grow and learn from the process and always aspire to become better off.


15 Educational Apps To Help You Sail Through College

So now that you are now a college student, you will notice a lot of differences between college life and high school life.

There are several ways through which you can improve study in college and one of these ways is via study Apps. Most of these Apps are free to get so you don’t have to worry about paying money. Whether you are studying in a conventional or online colleges, using these Apps will enhance your time and effort in college.

Top 15 Educational Apps That Will Help You In College 


This is a to-do list App that helps you plan your college work (tasks/subtasks and projects/subprojects) well. There are several Apps that can serve this purpose but we chose todoist because it is user-friendly.


Quizlet is a general study App that boasts of millions of flashcard study sets for several topics, formed by student users (college and high school). With this App, you can use audio and images in your flashcard sets, which makes learning process exciting.

3. Dragon Dictation

This is amazing App that saves you the stress of typing up an overdue project work. With Dragon Dictation, all you need to do is to simply talk into the App and it will convert everything into digital form.

4. Coursera

Here is a crazy App you will love to have. With Coursera, you can create more homework for yourself. This organization has partnered with top colleges and units in the U.S to make work easier for students.

5. Skype

Skype is a communication tool that can be a “life saver” in times of emergency. It is used for text chat, video, voice chat, and file sharing. If you need some information from a friend at the last minutes to an exam, this App can help you out. 

6. WhatsApp

This is another common communication tool that performs similar functions as Skype.

 7. iTunes University

iTunes University, which is also known as iTunes U is an Apple App that is loaded with curriculum course resources from several top colleges and universities.

8. iStudiez Lite

iStudiez Lite helps you to manage your semester. With the free lite version, you can manage a semester of up to 5 courses, 15 assignments, 15 classes/exam, 5 instructors, 2 holiday periods.

9. Exam Vocabulary Builder

Exam Vocabulary builder helps you to revamp your English vocabulary. It has several features such as flashcards, Study, and Quiz. It is meant for iOS only. GRE Vocabulary Builder is an alternative for Android.


This app is good for getting ready for exams. It is free to get and has word origin & history, search history, Word of the Day, antonyms, synonyms, a thesaurus, etc.

11. Google Drive

Google Drive helps you to keep notes, spreadsheets, diagrams and presentations which can be easily accessed from a mobile device or computer connected to the internet.

12. Brainscape – Smart Flashcards

This app is designed for iOS. It is used to create flashcard sets. It has the free and paid version.

13. Flashcards+

Flashcards+ is more than just an ordinary flashcards app. its features include deck shuffling, pronunciation aid for twenty-two languages and more. It is designed for iOs.

14. MyScript Smart Note

With this app you can take notes from lectures at a superfast rate. MyScript Smart Note is available for Android and iOS.

15. XMind

Xmind is an app for mind mapping. It is important for studying and for handling projects. Unfortunately, this app is not available for mobile devices, only for laptops/desktops – Windows, Linus, Mac.


College Style – How Do You Perceive It?

The transitioning from high school to college requires lots of information to fully adjust to college style. You must understand that there are differences between high-school and college experience. Most colleges assign teachers, most especially psychology teachers to help students understand that life in college is different from what they were used to in high school.

Helping Students To Adapt To College

Image of a student studying hard for the exam

We have put together a 3-stage strategy that will help students adapt quickly and easily in their freshman year in college.

  1. The first stage is to let the students know that things will be different from how it was for them in high school. There professors and classes will be different from their teachers and classes in high school. For example, college work is harder, must be completed over a short period of time and majority of it is not done within the school environment. Knowing this will get you prepared for the challenge.
  2. Stage two is the KSAs (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) stage. This stage is to help the students discover and value the KSAs because it is what they will be needing to adapt to their new environment. For instance, they must be aware of the resources the college offers (such as academic advising, the library, and the writing center), the skills required to cope in classes (e.g., to be willing to accept the responsibility for their learning and to accept an active attitude towards their education).
  3. The last stage is to keep them engaged with activities and assignments designed to strengthen or develop these KSAs.

Identifying these academic differences and tweaking your lifestyle by merging the wisdom of specialists in your field and the experience you have gathered from interacting with other freshmen will help you adapt quickly to college life. Below are some perceived differences between college classes and high school classes.

College Classes Vs. High School Classes

  • Teenage students learning in classroom with their teacher

    A lot of reading is required in college, while for high school, you barely read much to succeed

  • It doesn’t take much to pass high school classes, but you must work harder to be able to succeed in college
  • College classes requires critical research and in depth compare to what you get in high school classes

Another important factor that differentiates high school from college is “Time”. As a college student, you need to learn how to assimilate quickly and to complete a bulky task on time. It is different from what you had in high school and you must be prepared to adapt to this lifestyle.

College Professors Vs. High School Teachers

There are also differences between college professors and high school teachers, the most vital of which focused on the fact that college dons expect more from their students and want them to be responsible partners in the learning-teaching process. You have to be intense in your reading, not limiting yourself to only what you get in the classroom.

In high school, your teachers will what is due the next day. This is not so for college professors. They expect you to go through the syllabus yourself to know what’s due.

Also, college professors don’t tell you what to do, they assume you know what is expected of you. But for high school teachers, they will tell you what is expected of you over and over again.

A College Professor teaches students

Most of the knowledge you derive while in college are mainly self-thought because you don’t wait for your teacher to come put you through that textbook. You go through it yourself and through that process, develop your mental faculty.

So from all these facts, we can deduce that life in college is more intense than what is experienced in high school. You have to brace up yourself and drop your high school mentality in order to cope well in college. You can also see more on 10 basics every high-school graduate must know about college.


The Good And Bad Sides To Most American Colleges

Travelling abroad to have your tertiary education can be an amazing experience because your way of thinking will change and you will grow as an individual. America is students’ most preferred choice due to its high standard of education and the huge opportunities that abound. However, virtually everything in life has its own bad sides, so it is with every country.

So, before you completely make up your mind on getting admissions to any university in the US, it is essential that you understand and factor in the good and bad sides. Only when you carry out this test can you be able to draw a logical decision based on reasons.

Young Asian woman contemplating career options

The Good Sides To Most American Colleges

  1. There are tons of quality universities and programs you can enrolled into in the United States. Also, most universities in the US sit at the top of ranking of the world’s best universities.
  2. Majority of the universities provide huge exposure to students via their exchange program and global tie-ups establishing a pedestal to learn better.
  3. There are skilled faculty members that will guide students in their field of interest.See more on guidelines to help you choose the perfect course. You are sure of getting the best in this area because most universities employ the services of the best people in their respective specializations. Furthermore, you will have access to foreign professors for good interactions, thus a better education.
  4. There are financial assistants available in the United States in the form of assistantships and scholarships.
  5. Since the US is a developed country, students are exposed to the latest research work in all fields due to its advanced technologies and up-to-date facilities.

  6. The education system in United States is very flexible, and remains one of the most preferred in the world. There are numerous options available in one particular area of interest. There is a wide spectrum of choices for students and freedom to specialize in uncommon and specific areas.

  7. The education system in the United States is highly practical, which provides students with a high thinking abilities and problem-solving skills.
  8. You can expect culture shocks, but it turns out positive. The exposure of students to a completely new scenario will broaden their thinking and acquaint them with different lifestyles.
  9. There are tons of job opportunities available in and around the United States. It even gets more appealing, thanks to the quality lifestyle and diverse and safe society.
  10. Education in America focuses on developing students in all aspects. Students are recommended to participate in various outdoor events and talents are acknowledged and nurtured along with the education.

The Bad Sides To Most American Colleges

  1. There is a gradual increase on the cost of education in the US. The dollar is gaining more power in the market giving rise to high cost of tuition. Even with financial aid, the cost of education in the United States is still somewhat expensive to afford.
  2. There are many states in U.S.A and each has its own unique curriculum of courses. This leads to different standards of education.
  3. Some certain job sectors turn down students that schooled abroad due to their high education profile and skepticism over the commitment of the students.
  4. If you school abroad, in most cases you will be away from home which will make you feel lonely. It is quite difficult to be away from home especially if the excitement of the new environment fades away, and will lead to homesick and feeling lonely.
  5. Schooling abroad is competitive and highly challenging. So for you maintain a top spot, you must learn to conquer the challenges.




Guidelines To Help You Choose The Perfect Course

This guide talks about passion. How passionate are you for the course you want to study and for your career. It is important to tackle this issue because you derive happiness and fulfillment when you do things you love to do in life.

If you are wondering what this has to do with choosing the right course, the journey begins at this point. Look for the right courses at the right college or university, and you will be motivated to succeed in life. See more on the 10 basics every high-school graduate must know about college.

So what is required to make the right decision? Check out our guidelines to choose the perfect course.

5 Guidelines That Will Help You Choose The Perfect Course

1. Why Do You Need To Study?

Students doing their class exercises

This is the number one and most important question you need to ask yourself. There is a saying that says “if purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.” Know what you want and what’s good for you.

If you want to pursue your career by honing your skill set, then you need to choose a course that corresponds to your natural progression of your existing qualifications and skills. If you are looking forward to continue working with your current employer then you need to go for a course that’s in line with what you are doing in your office. Discussing study options with your employer, colleagues or peers can go a long way in determining what qualifications will help boost your career.

On the other hand, if your plan is to expand your scope of knowledge or take a new career path, then you need to study intensively so as to have the chance of choosing from a wide range of subjects that can offer tons of opportunities for you in the labor market. If your intent is to take a new career path then it is necessary that you take your time to choose the career you wish to pursue. Make a proper research about your intending course and its prospective career before jumping into it because it is quite expensive to study.

2. What Do You Really Have Interest In?

A student choosing what to take up in college

It is really vital to ponder on what you have interest for, and what course is your top priority to study. Are you studying it because your parents said you should do? Or you are going for it because you can envision an exciting and glittering career ahead? By asking yourself these questions, you can determine what course is best for you.

3. Check Out Your Career Prospects

It can be quite expensive to study overseas, so you need to see it as an investment in your future – this implies your career as well as your salary. Take your time to find out about the international students that have gone through that university and also the places where they have worked. Also check to see if there is an alumni association, or the opportunity to interact with respective employers during your course.

4. Carry Out A Reality Check

Student dreaming about accepted in University

Assuming you have found the course you like to study, the next step is for you to take some time to ponder about it to make sure it is realistic. Can you fend for your cost of living, flights, and tuition? Is there a pre-requisite for your course – GMAT scores, English language proficiency? You should get worried about this because you will surely cross the hurdles if you are determined. And if you are truly passionate about the course, you can prove it via your scholarship application which may get you some financial assistance.

It is also at this point that you need to think about the duration of your course. To make this easier for you, here are some examples study period for full-time study:

  • Undergraduate degree – three years
  • Postgraduate Certificate – six months
  • MA – one year
  • PhD – four years

5. You Can Change Your Mind At Any Time

Yes, this is a vital decision. It is never too late to retrace your steps at any point if you realize you have made some terrible mistakes. Discus with a counselor on campus, there may be other better options still available for you there. Never ever spend 5 years of your life studying a course you hardly have an iota of interest for. Remember, your passion is what we are talking about here. It is likely for you to succeed if you follow your passion.


10 Basics Every High-School Graduate Must Know About College

The desire for high school graduates to experience the adult world is extremely high, but there are more to it than just the longing. It takes quite some time to effectively practice the rudiments of college life. Besides the academy aspect of it, there are other basic life skills that need not to be overlooked in order to have a wonderful experience in college. How would you know the basics of college life? Below are the key things you will need to know for a happy stay in college.

10 Basics You Need To Know About College

1. Finance Management

Piggy bank with young man worrying in background

Managing finances is one key aspect you need to handle squarely to have a splendid stay in college. It is true that teens like online banking, but it is essential that they get conversant with writing and endorsing of checks, using deposit slips and visiting the banking halls in person. They need to be financially savvy in terms of comparison of prices, handling unfair fees and be sensitive to possible scams. A budget should be in place based on the available income – money from both scholarships and parents.

2. Handling Your Basic Self-Care

As a teen, you should be able to handle your laundry properly without any complications – how to sort by color when washing, water temperature to use and the required heat needed when ironing different fabrics. Also, they should learn how to hem or hand-stitch a torn clothing, sew on buttons and have a sewing kit ready for such repairs.

3. Learning Cooking Skills

College student creates home-cooked meal.

Learning cooking skills is a vital aspect you wouldn’t want to ignore learning. Apart from being healthier for you, it is way cheaper than eating out at all time. For you to perform excellently in your academics, then you must pay attention to healthy cooking. While eating pasta on daily basis is quite economical, adding stuffs such as fruit, vegetables, and proteinous content will boost the nutritional value of the meal.

 4. Use Transportation 

Before leaving high school, it is essential for every teen to learn how to drive, including driving on highways, at night, and in all weather conditions. This is what true independence means. They should also know how to go about it if an accident occurs. But owning a car isn’t the only way of transportation; knowing how to use public transportation is also important. Teens should understand how to call a taxi, access the subway and how to read a bus schedule.

5. Maintenance & Upkeep

Be it an apartment or a dorm room, teens should know what it takes to take care of it. It will save you from paying for damages if you learn how to hang frames without damaging the walls. Regular cleaning of floors and bathrooms will make provide a neat environment and save you the stress of serious cleaning when the school year is over.

6. Be Security Conscious

A man stalking college students.

Since your parents won’t be around you most of the time, teens should not compromise their security for whatsoever reasons. This means being mindful of strangers, locking doors, and understanding the effect of drugs and alcohols on behavioral changes. Self-defense, first aid, and CPR are the key safety skills needed.

 7. Problem Solving 

Teens must know how to handle problems amicably – be assertive, to ask questions and speak up when need be. If you have a roommate, you must know how to set boundaries, settle disputes, voice out concerns and compromise. At this point, parents need to allow their kids take some reasonable decision in solving their own issues.

8. Looking For A Job

Students looking for a job

It doesn’t matter if you are going to college or to work, as a teen, you will soon need to get a job. While most schools help students write their resumes, they need to know how to hunt for jobs off and on campus. It is called “job hunting” because you need to hunt, request for help, networking with colleagues, etc.

9. Get Involve In Exercise

After high school, it is easy to ditch exercise because you no longer take part in sports and physical education classes. Teens should set out a routine for exercise and make it part and parcel of their everyday lives. They can either get involved in a sport league or join a health club. This will keep them fit always and help them handle stress better.

10. Develop Social Skills

Happy college students looking at mobile phone in park

It is understandable and excusable for a high school student not to lack social skills, but it becomes abnormal for a college teen. It is important to know how to relate with people perfectly – shake hands, initiate simple conversations and look others through the eyeballs. While some teens are cocky when it has to do with confidence, others are too shy to speak up. Having a balance of both – not being timid but not overconfident will play a crucial role in their lives.